Got up super early to head to trinidad, it was a quick ride to the airport from NP's, Luis is a good transport man for Nelson, the consummate professional. Got checked in and through immigration with no hassle, did get a little confused in the airport looking to find where i needed to pay the exit tax, once i found it it was smooth sailing, got my receipt and into the queue.
With the stamp out i headed to the boarding area, making a b-line to the first coffee shop, it was way to early to be working with out any java in me, got the grande, which was more like a small dixie cup, the kind you would use in the bathroom for kids to rinse after brusing their teeth, needless to say it was an expresso shot with leche (milk) so it tasted good and went down smooth.
Having arrived at the airport almost 3 hours early, seeing as how they close check in an hour and a half before the planes leave, it was a necessary evil not knowing how the immigration queues would be. It was a little chaotic, with all the announcements coming over in spanish, then coming over in barely audible english, i found it hard to determain when they were actually boarding for my flight, and why there were so many people at the gate for the small tubo prop that would take us to trinidad.
The flight it self was non eventful, personally i don't like tubo props at all, they remind me of the flights i took when i was at philmont from colorado springs into santa fe, those were always really bumby and not at all fun.
Once in trinidad i had three chances to get to either guyana or suriname. it seems as though caribbean airlines is content with massively over booking there flights into guyana, every single one of there flights over the next two months is reaction of course was "seriously...every single flight is over booked?" that of course didn't get the reaction from the gate agent that i expected. So after spending 10 hours in the trinidad airport going on standby again and again, i find out from the gate agent that she will not sell me a ticket one way to paramaribo suriname. That they will not let me on the plane if all i have is a one way ticket...i'm thinking bullship, as there website would very gladly sell me that ticket.
so at 10 it was no luck with anything so i had to find a hotel near the airport to make it back, i wasn't about to go all the way to port of spain to have to make it back again in the morning, so i found a place called the airport in, and as luck would have it they had a room, for 80US of course, that puts my knickers into a bunch and really takes a bite into my hotel budget for this leg of the trip...
Now i'm just worried that i'm not going to be able to make it back into south america for a decent amount of money, that i'm going to be stuck in the caribbean, not at all what i want to be, seeign as i have the visa's i need for s. america i don't want that to go to waste, but if this is any precursor to how things are going to be going once i get moving again, i'm in for a hell of a lot of trouble.
So a good nights sleep i think is what i need, a beer would work well too, but i don't think that the proprietors of this establishment are going to accommodate me there.
Worst case scenerio is i have to skip guyana, or just do a border run, and have to buy a rt ticket into suriname and not use the return portion, i just hope that isn't the case, cause that would really chap my ass to have to wast money on something as stupid as that.
Just getting excited that i get to get up in the morning and do this all over again, yeah for me! hopefully things go much better tomorrow. And did i mention that the hotels/guest houses internet is not working...grrr.
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