First full day in Venezuela was good...Nelson has done a good job of setting things up to be homey. As for exploring, most of my day was spent searching for a way out, not that i was dying to escape, i just didn't want to come to a stand still and loose time, Venezuela wasn't a multi day stopping point on this journey, Now that I'm into day two, i'm liking it here, all the hoopla about not being safe is for the birds, i've been out and about with absolutely no problems.
To recap what i've done so far, I spent Tuesday searching for flights to Guyana, why i didn't I prepare and do this before is not my style. Its a little interesting not being prepared, not somehting i like, but interesting all the same. After searching for a plane ticket, it was coming up duds getting out of port of spain. So Nelson recommended a place in the mall across the street that served a great breakfast, when i got there though, it was closed, so i spent some time walking through this mall, it was quite nice, open air and full of all kinds of shoe stores, thats a theme i see walking around expecially on the blvd. is shoe stores galore.
after the walkabout at the mall across the street, i decided the next logical step was for a nap...good choice if I do say so myself. Once up i decided it was actually time to do some exploring, if i was going to be in Caracas for another day i might as well get out and see the city, the closest place to go and explore was the blvd, a pedestrian only walkway full of shops and resturaunts, it goes all the way to the financial district to the east, its a comfortable walk, there are street performers out and about, as well as muscians doing there thing. after heading all the way down to the financial distric and back, and then going west for some time i decided cause it was now dark that i should head back to the that the naysayers will understand, I WAS COMPLETELY SAFE, NO ONE BOTHERED ME, AND NO APPEARED TO GIVE A SHIT WHO I WAS OR WHERE I WAS FROM.
Once back at nelson's place, i decided the night was still young, and caught a flick and hit the hay, all said, i was in bed by 11PM with no regrets.
Wednesday morning is now here, and all be damned if i didn't sleep in till 8, which means i now have the migraine from hell to start my day.
first priority of the day is securing transportation to Guyana, now this is proving to be quite the difficult problem, flights are open to trinidad and tobago, but getting out of port of spain and getting on to Georgetown is really pissing me off. So to get at least half way there i booked the flight to port of spain, and will attempt to fly standby to georgetown, we'll see how well that works seeing as all flights until sunday are booked. i did catcha bonus, by Nelson booking the ticket i managed to save about 50 US on the total cost of the flight, yeah me!
Now that thats done, its time to actually get out and see caracas. nelson put together some walking tours of caracas, theres about 10 of them, some are for the artsy, some are not, the ones i did were recommended to actually see the day in the lift of the venezuelans. The tour started with buying a subway ticket (not as hard as i thought), and taking the train 4 stops, easy, now having ridden the metro in hong kong, singapore, manila, KL, and places in the states, i felt confident with being able to do it.
Getting off at my stop it was walking to the Parque de Este, this i just walked around, its more like a zoo, i'm not that big on zoo's so i just moved on to the next item which was the Altamira Plaza, this was an open park with some kind of waterfall, and the obliske (sp), with walking continuing on till i hit the San Ignacio mall, this place is huge, i mean huge, its the largest shopping center in s. America, and it goes on forever, very large building, it goes up 4 floors and just keeps on going, lots of cafe's on the first floor, so i stopped for a coffee before continuing on, now those that know me know i'm not much for shopping malls, but the people watching was quite nice, lots of lovely chica's walking around thats for sure!
after tooling through the mall i headed back to the subway station, now i couldn't translate Nelson's directions from the mall to the metro so i said to hell with it and walked back to the metro i knew i had seen and headed back to Nelson's place.
Once back the hot water pressure was fixed, i got a nice shower and time for updating. Its around 5PM, and there are two new guests from the UK, i'm gonna hit them up to see if they want to go to dinner, if not, i'll go out on my own again, theres plenty of places to eat right across the street that i can munch on.
Im off tomorrow to trinidad and Tobago.
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